


《网赌上分平台》(ADA)和《网赌上分平台》的颁布是为了保护残疾人在就业领域不受歧视, 住房, 公共设施, 教育, 运输, 电信, 卫生服务, 以及获得公共服务的机会. Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act prohibits discrimination against individuals with disabilities by recipients of federal funds. 根据这些法律, the 网赌上分平台 strictly prohibits discrimination in all of its programs, 服务, 以及基于残疾的就业. 这些程序的目的是提供在发生学生残疾歧视投诉时及时处理投诉的程序. 他们的目的是帮助学生了解在与ADAAA或第504条有关的问题出现时他们可以使用的方法,并确保所有基于残疾的歧视投诉都得到彻底和公平的调查. The 网赌上分平台 will conduct a fair and impartial investigation of all allegations of discrimination, 在充分考虑各方权利的情况下.

教员申诉不在这些程序的范围之内,应按照教员手册中规定的教员申诉程序提交. 员工的不满也不在这些程序的范围之内,应根据《网赌上分平台》和1973年《网赌上分平台》下的投诉单独的《网赌上分平台》提交. These procedures do not replace any other University policies or procedures.


The 网赌上分平台 is committed to providing equal access to its programs, 服务, 为所有人提供就业机会,无论其残疾与否. We affirm our commitment that no qualified student with a disability will be excluded from participation in, 被剥夺…的利益, 或在任何计划下受到其他歧视, 服务, 或由网赌上分平台赞助的活动. 这所大学在招生方面没有歧视, 教育al programs and 服务 or employment against any individual on account of the individual’s disability.


  • 申诉: 申诉是指对任何政策的投诉, 美国残疾人法案修正案(ADAAA)或1973年康复法案所禁止的程序或做法.
  • 申诉人: Grievant means an student or other individual who submits a grievance relevant to the ADAAA or the Rehabilitation Act of 1973.
  • 被申请人: 答辩人指任何大学官员, 管理员, faculty or staff member acting in their official capacity and alleged to be responsible for the violation(s) alleged in a grievance. 该术语可用于指定对特定行为负有直接责任的人员或对申诉所涉领域的程序和政策负有监督责任的人员.
  • 调查员: 调查员系指无障碍资源中心主任或负责学生事务的高级副院长,他们在以官方身份行事时负有听取意见的责任, 调查, and make recommendations regarding alleged violations of the ADAAA or the Rehabilitation Act of 1973.

Although a grievant is not required to utilize the informal procedure prior to initiating the formal grievance procedure, the grievant is strongly encouraged to attempt to resolve complaints informally if possible before filing a formal grievance. 采取非正式解决办法的必要第一步是,申诉人尝试亲自解决投诉,与被指控对可能的违规行为负有直接责任的人员和/或与投诉相关的直接监督机构的人员会面. 也可以咨询其他可能了解投诉或协助解决投诉的适当大学官员(e.g. 一名教员, 系主任, 学生主任, 无障碍资源中心主任, 学生申诉专员, 财政援助署署长或大学注册处处长).

The appropriate university official will make every attempt to resolve the matter. 这个过程不应超过三十(30)天. 如果投诉不能在这一级非正式解决, 任何学生, 谁对这个决议不满意, 可能文件, 以书面形式, 如下所述的正式申诉.




1. 学生应向无障碍资源中心主任提交正式申诉,除非申诉对象是无障碍资源中心主任或系内其他工作人员. In this case, grievances shall be submitted to the Senior Associate Dean of Students. All grievances should be conducted in person and shall provide the following information 以书面形式:

  1. 投诉人的姓名、地址及电话号码;
  2. 自然, 日期, and full description of the alleged violations including any relevant facts such as the complaining party’s disability, name(s) of the person or persons responsible for the alleged violation(s), and identification of any witnesses who have knowledge related to the complaint;
  3. A summary of the steps the student has already taken in attempt to resolve the problem; including names of persons involved;
  4. A statement of the requested resolution for corrective action and the student’s rationale for any requested accommodations, 如果有的话;
  5. Any background information and/or supporting documentation the grievant believes to be relevant;
  6. 投诉者签名.


2. 投诉必须在被指控的违规行为发生后180天内提出,如果学生选择利用非正式程序,则必须在非正式程序结束后十(10)天内提出, 先到者为准.


3. 在收到正式申诉后, 无障碍资源中心主任(或学生事务高级副院长)将对书面申诉中提出的事项进行调查. 在进行这项调查时, 调查人员可以将投诉人陈述的副本转发给其作为(或不作为)是申诉对象的人, and may request a written response from the appropriate individuals in the university within (20) workdays. Respondents will be specifically warned not to retaliate against the grievant in any way. 报复可能使被报复人受到纪律处分. 调查员也可以选择采访证人, 与有关人士会面, 接受口头或书面陈述, 并进行适当的询问. The investigation shall generally, but may not always, be completed within thirty (30) workdays. 如果调查不能在三十(30)个工作日内完成, the Director or Senior Associate Dean of Students shall keep the complainant informed of the status of the investigation.

4. 调查完成后十(10)个工作日内, 调查员将将其调查结果和建议的书面副本发送给双方和负责最终决定是否接受的相应大学官员, 拒绝或修改研究者的建议. Either party may also submit to the individual designated to make the final decision, 在收到调查人员的建议后10个工作日内, 赞成或反对收养的书面论据, 修改, or rejection of the investigator’s recommendations; or explaining why they believe they have been treated arbitrarily, 任性地, 不公平的或不公平的, 非法或歧视的方式. 负责学生事务的副校长/教务长, (who has been designated as the 504/ADA Coordinator) will make the final decision, 在学术问题上, 会与教务长办公室协商吗. 负责学生事务的副校长/教务长应在十(10)个工作日内将最终决定以书面形式通知双方. 如果在十(10)个工作日内不能作出决定, the Vice President will keep the complainant informed of the status of the decision-making process.


5. Records shall be kept of each grievance process for a period of seven (7) years. 这些应包括, 至少:由申诉人提出的书面申诉, 答辩人提交的书面答辩书, 以及调查员的书面调查结果和/或建议. A file of these records shall be maintained in the office of the 504/ADA Coordinator. 为了传播申诉的先例, separate file records and statistics may be kept by the coordinator which indicates only the subject matter of each grievance, 每项申诉的解决和解决的日期. 这些记录不涉及任何特定个人,除非法律要求披露,否则将被视为机密.


6. 任何人不得因利用或协助他人利用这一申诉程序而受到报复. Retaliation against any individual who has filed a complaint of discrimination, 或者谁曾配合调查这类投诉, or opposes a discriminatory 教育al practice is unlawful under federal and state law, 这违反了网赌上分平台的政策.


7. 本程序中的任何规定均不旨在阻止投诉人和被投诉人通过签署书面协议声明并将其提交调查员审查和批准的方式友好地解决其申诉. If the agreement is approved, the pending grievance shall be deemed dismissed.

个人在本协议项下提交的投诉得到迅速和公平解决的权利不应因个人寻求其他外部补救措施而受到损害,例如向负责的州或联邦机构提交504/ADA投诉,也不应将使用本内部申诉程序作为其他外部补救措施的先决条件. Complaints may also be filed by contacting the 民权办公室 at the following:

U.S. 教育部
(617) 289-0111

These rules shall be construed to protect the substantive rights of interested persons to meet appropriate due process standards, and to assure that the 网赌上分平台 complies with Section 504, ADAAA和实施条例.

The Director of 无障碍资源中心 is located in the 无障碍资源中心 office suite, 一楼, 地址在谢菲尔德大厅后面,电话:(203)932-7332. The Senior Associate Dean of Students is located in Bartels Hall Campus Center, 208房间, 电话:(203)932-7432. 负责学生事务的副校长/教务长 who has been designated the 504/ADA Coordinator, 酒店位于巴特尔斯大厦203室, 电话:(203)932-7432.