理学士 业务分析

“The 网赌上分平台 allowed me to learn valuable skills that have continued in my career,22岁的弗朗西斯卡·米卡莱夫说, 阿姆斯特丹433的数据分析师, 荷兰. “这个项目不仅仅是关于你获得的商业智能, but also about the connections you make along the way with professors that build your network immensely.”


我们被数据包围着. Who makes sense of all this data and extract valuable insights from it? More to the point, who knows how to decipher it for greater business success? 拥有商业分析学位的人, a highly in-demand professional who can help organizations understand and manage the profit-making potential of this gold mine of information.

B.S. in 业务分析 at the 网赌上分平台 will provide you with the 分析 skills to be this indispensable individual. 通过这个项目, you will gain organizational and technical competencies in business intelligence & 分析, learn how to interpret data for business applications and acquire the proper skills to make data-driven business decisions. 我们将对您进行广泛的数据分析方法培训, while also giving you specialization opportunities in sport management, 市场营销分析, 或操作 & 供应链管理.

我们的商业分析专业是stem认证的(科学), 技术, 工程, 联邦政府的数据,包括:

  • 全球供应链分析
  • 管理经济学
  • 市场营销分析
  • 体育运动管理

Today’s business 分析 professional must have a thorough understanding of how business works, 这就是为什么这个项目包括金融课程, 会计, 经济学, 市场营销, 管理也是如此.

This degree opens up various opportunities for you in any organization, since data 分析 professionals are needed in any business segment. Our curriculum offers hands-on learning experience using real-world business data and the state-of the-art 分析 tools.


The information below is designed to show the many possible careers you could pursue with your major. 该研究由Encoura提供, the leading research and advisory firm focused exclusively on higher education. It includes median national salaries and industry growth projections over the next decade. 点击此处查看报告全文.










  • This course focuses on the art of communicating ideas embedded in data through visual means. Students are introduced to industry-standard graphic and data design techniques used to create understandable visualizations in order to communicate effectively with a particular audience. Techniques in organizing and articulating data are developed using real world examples. 课程材料, assignments and project will all be prepared using the R programming language and Tableau software.

  • This course will introduce 学生 to foundations of relational database design and management with a focus on business domains and business 分析 applications. 主题包括数据库设计原则, 实体关系图, 用SQL构造查询, 连接, 更新, 分析数据库——这是数据分析师的关键技能. 课程材料, assignments and project will all be prepared using the R and SQL programming language.

  • The course consists of applied training in foundational topics for supervised learning such as Linear Regression, 最近邻和神经网络. It first builds a sound understanding of data preparation, exploration and reduction methods. 它涵盖了预测和分类过程. The emphasis is on understanding the application of a wide range of modern machine learning techniques to specific decision-making situations across business domains, rather than on mastering the mathematical and computational foundations of the techniques.

  • The focus of this course is on statistical and data analytical methods for the preparation of business forecasts. 涵盖了各种经验技术:平滑方法, 移动平均线, 回归分析, 经典的时间序列分解方法, ARIMA (Box-Jenkins)模型. Emphasis is placed upon building forecasting models and evaluating their reliability. 重点是时间序列数据. R is the preferred statistical package; Tableau and other packages will be introduced as time permits.

  • The 网赌上分平台 offers a wide variety of in-depth courses that create a transformational educational experience for our 学生. To view the complete list of courses you'll take while pursuing a M.S. 在商业分析中,请查看学术目录:

    商业分析学B级.S. -一般浓度

    商业分析学B级.S. -全球供应链分析专业

    商业分析学B级.S. -管理经济学

    商业分析学B级.S. -市场分析专业

    商业分析学B级.S. -体育管理专业



    国际业务 沟通 Minor (Business program majors only)


Our faculty are leaders and innovators in their fields, bringing both deep professional experience 以及课堂上的学术严谨.


Get an inside look at what differentiates the 网赌上分平台 and how your experiences as a student will prepare you for success.


All 网赌上分平台 学生 have access to the many resources available through the University’s 职业发展中心它被评为全国最好的学校之一 普林斯顿评论.

来自职业评估, 网络, 从工作见习到校园面试和薪资谈判, the 职业发展中心 provides the skills and connections to identify a meaningful career and an opportunity to pursue your passion.



AACSB accreditation means that our 庞培商学院 has passed a rigorous set of standards. 教师, 学生, programs and research have been closely examined and judged to be of exceptionally high standards.



  • Whether you're still in high school or are transferring from another college, we offer full- and part-time opportunities for undergraduates from inside the U.S. 和国外. The admission process can begin as early as the end of your high school junior year.


  • 我们提供全面的经济援助计划, 学生以助学金的形式获得援助, 奖学金, 学生贷款, 兼职工作. 资金来自联邦政府和州政府, 私人赞助商, 从大学资源中. More than 85 percent of the University's full-time undergraduate 学生 receive some form of financial assistance.
